16 Simple Steps To Avoid A Car Accident On Your Next Road Trip

Have you ever gone on a road trip, only to get into an accident? Many of us have. It’s not fun, and it can be really scary. But the good news is that there are lots of things you can do to prevent accidents on your next road trip. Here are 16 simple steps that will help:

How to Avoid Car Accidents :: Tips, Techniques & Strategies
1. By following simple steps like being alert and staying focused while driving, you can reduce your risk of being involved in a car accident.
2. Understanding the most common causes of car accidents, such as distracted driving and poor road conditions, can help you avoid dangerous situations.
3. Proper car maintenance is essential for safe driving, particularly in winter weather.
4. Educating yourself on car safety myths and misconceptions can help you stay informed and make smart decisions behind the wheel.
5. If you’re buying a car, doing your research and being prepared can help you make a smart and informed purchase.

Make Sure Your Vehicle Is Road Trip Ready

A car that’s in good shape will help you avoid accidents. If there are any issues with the engine, transmission or brakes, it’s best to get them checked out before taking off on a long trip. Also make sure all lights and wipers are functioning properly and that the tires have adequate tread depth (more than 1/16th inch).

Practice safe driving habits at home before hitting the road for long distances in unfamiliar territory. If you’re used to driving on city streets where pedestrians often step into traffic without looking first or drivers routinely stop short at intersections without warning signals such as stoplights or crossing guards then learning how not to run over small children when driving through rural areas may take some getting used too!

It only takes a few seconds of distraction for a car accident to happen, and the consequences can be devastating. By following these 16 simple steps to avoid a car accident on your next road trip, you can reduce your risk of being involved in a collision. But it’s not just your driving behavior that can cause an accident.

As our article on the most common causes of car accidents explains, there are many factors that can contribute to a crash. From bad weather and poor road conditions to mechanical issues with your vehicle, being aware of these risks can help you stay safe on the road.

Get Plenty Of Rest Before Your Road Trip

If you’re planning on driving any significant distance, it’s important that you get plenty of rest before your trip. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night, but if you’re going on a road trip and won’t be sleeping in your own bed (or even in a bed at all), it might be smart to try for more than 8 hours per night.

Getting enough sleep will help prevent accidents caused by drowsiness behind the wheel–and while there are other ways to avoid this problem (like taking breaks during long drives), getting enough shut-eye is always an excellent first step!

Plan Your Route And Give Yourself Some Extra Time

Plan your route before you leave. If possible, avoid highways and interstates when planning your trip. They are usually the most congested roads during peak travel times, which means more accidents and delays. If you don’t have time to plan out a route that avoids these types of highways and interstates, try to avoid them at peak hours (rush hour).

Plan for traffic and construction: Be sure to check local news stations so that you can plan around road closures or unexpected delays due to construction projects in the area.

Plan for emergencies: Bring water bottles with caps that seal tightly so they don’t spill during sudden stops or turns; pack snacks like granola bars or fruit leathers in case hunger strikes along the way; pack extra clothing items such as hats/scarves/gloves if weather conditions could change unexpectedly; keep an emergency kit in case there’s an accident or flat tire on-the-road…and always keep important phone numbers written down somewhere handy!

Use navigation systemsUse electronic navigation systems like Google Maps, Waze or built-in GPS to plan the best routes in advance.
Check trafficCheck traffic reports and plan your travels based on the heaviest and most frequent traffic congestion times in your area.
Allow extra timeGive yourself extra time for unexpected traffic jams, adverse weather conditions and construction work.
Be preparedPack enough supplies like snacks and water, and take rest breaks after every 2-3 hours of driving.
Have alternative routesAlways have alternative routes planned in case there are road closures or traffic congestion on your planned route.

Note: These tips are based on general guidelines and may vary based on local laws and regulations. Please consult your local driving laws for specific information on safe driving practices.

Avoid Driving In Extreme Weather Conditions Whenever Possible

If you must drive in extreme weather conditions, make sure you are prepared. Your vehicle needs to be road trip ready and you should get plenty of rest before your trip begins. 

Plan your route ahead of time and give yourself some extra time so that if something goes wrong on the road (or even just because things happen), it won’t cause an accident or put anyone at risk of injury or death.

When it comes to car safety, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions that continue to persist. Unfortunately, believing these falsehoods can put you at risk on the road. To make sure you’re not falling for any of these dangerous myths, it’s important to stay informed.

Check out our article on 15 deadly myths about car safety to learn about some of the most common and harmful misconceptions. From debunking the idea that seat belts can cause injuries to explaining why airbags don’t always protect you, this article covers everything you need to know to stay safe behind the wheel.

Watch For Distracted Drivers

Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents. Distractions include texting, eating, grooming, reading and using a GPS. If you see another driver with an open window, be extra cautious as they may be distracted by something outside their vehicle. Make sure you are visible to other drivers at all times so that they can see you coming up ahead and slow down if needed.

Eliminate Distractions For Yourself

Turn off your phone. It’s a good idea to turn off your phone when you’re driving, so that you don’t get distracted by texts or calls. If it’s an emergency and someone needs to reach you, they can always call 911 instead of trying to text or call while driving (and risk getting into an accident).

Don’t text while driving. Even if it seems like just a quick message won’t make much difference, texting while driving is one of the most common distractions for drivers today–and it can lead directly to car accidents! 

If someone needs something from their phone while they’re on the road with friends or family members, ask them ahead of time what their plans are so everyone knows what’s going on in advance. 

Then when someone does need something from their phone during the trip: either have them pull over first before answering questions about where we should eat lunch today; or if there isn’t time for this then just tell them “no” because our safety comes first here at Road Trip Central Station Incorporated.”

Keep An Eye Out For Bicyclists

Bicyclists are more vulnerable than other road users. They’re not always wearing bright clothing, they may not be aware of the vehicles around them, and they can often be invisible in the dark. Bicycles don’t have brakes–and even if they do, braking suddenly is dangerous for both cyclists and drivers.

So what do you do? First off: keep an eye out for bicyclists! If there’s one thing I learned from this experience it’s that it doesn’t matter how careful you think you are–it only takes one moment of distraction or inattention to cause an accident on the road (and yes I know how ironic this sounds coming from me). 

So make sure that when driving around town you stay alert at all times because even small moments like changing radio stations could lead up being fatal if someone else isn’t paying attention behind the wheel too!

Use mirrorsMake sure your car’s mirrors are properly adjusted to give you a full view of the road behind and beside you.
Check blind spotsAlways check your blind spots before changing lanes or turning, and look carefully before opening car doors.
Use turn signalsUse your turn signals to indicate your movements on the road, and give bicyclists plenty of time to react to your actions.
Be alertPay attention to your surroundings at all times, and don’t assume that a bicyclist will always follow the rules of the road.
Drive slowlySlow down when driving in areas with heavy bicycle traffic, and be prepared to yield to bicyclists as needed.

Note: These tips are based on general guidelines and may vary based on local laws and regulations. Please consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual and local driving laws for specific information on safe driving practices.

Always Watch For Pedestrians And Animal Crossings

  • Watch for pedestrians. Pedestrians are difficult to see, especially at night. They may not be paying attention or have the right-of-way, so always be on the lookout for them when you’re driving.
  • Watch out for animals crossing the road–they can be unpredictable, especially if there are small children or pets in tow.
  • Be aware of people who may be drunk or under the influence of drugs; they might take an unnecessary risk by stepping into traffic without looking first or ignoring traffic signals altogether.

If you live in a colder climate, you know that winter weather can be tough on your car. From icy roads to freezing temperatures, winter driving comes with its fair share of challenges. But with a little bit of preparation and some smart maintenance tips, you can keep your vehicle running smoothly all winter long.

To learn about the top 15 car maintenance tips you need to know for winter driving, check out our article on winter car maintenance. From checking your tires to making sure your battery is in good condition, these tips will help you stay safe and comfortable on the road.

Take A Break If You’re Tired Or Feeling Drowsy

  • Take a break if you’re tired or feeling drowsy. If you’re driving and start to feel tired or drowsy, pull over and take a nap for at least 15 minutes.

Keep your eyes on the road. Make sure that all of your attention is focused on driving, not on your phone or other passengers in the car with you.

Don’t drink alcohol before getting behind the wheel of a vehicle–it can make it more difficult for drivers to stay alert while they’re driving in bad weather conditions such as rain or snow (or even sunshine).

Watch Out For Poor Traffic Control And Signage

Signs and signals are the most common way to let you know what to do on the road. If you see a sign that says “No Turn on Red,” it means that you cannot make a left turn at this intersection even if there is no traffic coming from the opposite direction.

If there is no sign or signal nearby, remember these tips:

  • Be extra careful when driving in unfamiliar areas. You may not be used to seeing certain signs or signals, so pay attention when approaching intersections with poor traffic control and signage.
  • Make sure your headlights are on at all times when driving during daylight hours (and low beams at night). This will help cars behind and in front of you see where they’re going better–and hopefully prevent any accidents!

Minimize Hard Braking And Quick Turns If You Can Help It

If you can help it, try to avoid braking hard and making sudden turns. If you have to brake hard, do so gradually–and make sure that your car is in the right gear before doing so (that means no switching between park and drive while going 55 mph).

If you must make a quick turn–for example, if an animal darts out in front of your car–signal first! This gives other drivers time to react and adjust by slowing down or changing lanes themselves.

Minimizing Hard Braking and Quick Turns

Driving ManeuverMiles per Gallon Lost
Hard BrakingUp to 40%
Quick TurnsUp to 10%

Minimizing hard braking and quick turns can help you save fuel and improve your vehicle’s efficiency. Hard braking, which is defined as braking hard enough to activate your vehicle’s antilock braking system (ABS), can cause your vehicle to lose up to “40% of its fuel efficiency” depending on driving conditions.

Quick turns, such as those made at high speeds or with sudden changes in direction, can also reduce your vehicle’s efficiency by up to “10%”. By minimizing these maneuvers, you can not only save fuel but also reduce wear and tear on your brakes and tires, extending the life of your vehicle.

Pay Attention To Speed Limits — Especially In Urban Areas

The posted speed limits on highways and other major roads are there for a reason: They’re designed to keep you safe and others around you safe. 

Speed limits can be found everywhere from rural highways to city streets, so make sure that when driving through any type of road, whether it’s a four-lane highway or a downtown traffic circle, you are aware of what the posted limit is and obey it. 

Not only will this help prevent accidents from happening because of excessive speeding (or following too closely), but also avoid getting pulled over by police officers who could issue expensive tickets if they catch someone going above or below their set limit by even just one mile per hour!

Regular car maintenance is essential if you want your vehicle to last as long as possible. By taking care of your car’s needs and catching problems early, you can avoid costly repairs down the line. But where should you start when it comes to car maintenance? Our article on the top 10 car maintenance tips is a great place to begin.

From checking your oil and fluids to inspecting your brakes and suspension, these tips cover everything you need to know to keep your car in top condition.

Do Not Follow Another Vehicle Too Closely (Tailgating)

Tailgating is a dangerous habit that can lead to accidents. If you’re following too closely, there’s a higher chance of crashing into the vehicle in front of you if they brake suddenly or swerve out of their lane.

  • Tailgating is dangerous because it puts both drivers at risk of losing control over their vehicles and causing an accident.
  • It’s not worth it! If you’re in a hurry or want to get somewhere faster than other drivers on the road, take an alternative route instead (or leave earlier).

Maintaining a Safe Following Distance

Following DistanceRecommended Safe Distance
Dry Road3 second rule – Allow at least “three seconds” of following distance under normal driving conditions.
Wet or Slippery Road4 second rule – Allow at least “four seconds” of following distance when driving in rain, fog, snow, ice, or other slippery conditions.
High Speed or Heavy Vehicle5 second rule – Allow at least “five seconds” of following distance when driving at high speeds or following a heavy vehicle such as a truck or bus.

Use Caution When Changing Lanes Or Passing Other Vehicles On The Highway

When you are driving on the highway, be aware of what’s around you and use caution when changing lanes or passing other vehicles. Use your turn signals to let other drivers know what you are doing and watch for signs that warn of road hazards, including wildlife on rural roads. 

Avoid driving in bad weather conditions such as rain or fog because visibility can be limited by these conditions and it may be difficult for other drivers to see your vehicle if they are not paying attention. Also keep a safe distance from other vehicles so that if there is an accident or emergency situation, there will be enough space between them so no one gets hurt!

If you’re in the market for a car, it’s important to do your homework before making a purchase. After all, buying a car is a big investment, and you want to make sure you’re getting the best value for your money. That’s where our article on the ultimate car buying checklist comes in.

This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know before you buy, from setting a budget and choosing the right type of vehicle to negotiating with dealers and taking a test drive. By following these tips, you can make sure you’re making a smart and informed decision when it comes to buying your next car.


I hope this list of tips has been helpful and you feel more prepared for your next road trip. I know that even after years of traveling, I still make mistakes, but the most important thing is to keep learning from them and making adjustments where necessary. 

If you follow these 16 steps, then we can both rest easy knowing that our chances of having an accident have gone down significantly!

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about preventing car accidents, or what to do in the event that you are involved in one, these resources can help:

20 Ways to Prevent a Car Accident: This article offers practical advice for staying safe on the road, from simple tips like always wearing your seat belt to more advanced strategies like taking a defensive driving course.

How to Help Avoid a Road Accident: This guide from JM Kelly Solicitors covers everything from what to do in case of an emergency to tips for staying alert and focused on the road.

16 Things You Can Do to Survive a Car Accident: Even if you take all the necessary precautions, accidents can still happen. This article offers practical advice for staying safe and minimizing injuries in the event of a collision.


What are the most common causes of car accidents?

Car accidents can be caused by a wide variety of factors, including distracted driving, speeding, driving under the influence, and poor road conditions. The most common causes of car accidents, however, are generally attributed to human error, such as following too closely, failure to yield, and making dangerous lane changes.

How can I avoid getting into a car accident?

To avoid getting into a car accident, it’s important to practice safe driving habits, maintain your vehicle, and be alert and aware of your surroundings. This might include things like following the speed limit, avoiding distractions like texting while driving, and making sure your brakes and tires are in good condition.

What should I do if I’m involved in a car accident?

If you are involved in a car accident, the first thing you should do is make sure everyone involved is safe and call for medical help if necessary. Next, you should exchange information with the other driver, take photos of the damage, and report the accident to your insurance company.

Should I hire a lawyer if I’m involved in a car accident?

If you are involved in a car accident, it’s a good idea to consult with a lawyer who specializes in personal injury law. A lawyer can help you navigate the legal process, deal with insurance companies, and pursue compensation for any damages or injuries you may have suffered.

How can defensive driving help me avoid car accidents?

Defensive driving is a set of driving techniques designed to help you stay safe on the road. It involves things like anticipating other drivers’ actions, maintaining a safe following distance, and scanning the road ahead for potential hazards. By practicing defensive driving techniques, you can reduce your risk of being involved in a collision.