15 Easy DIY Car Maintenance Tips For The Busy Person

When you take care of your car, it’s like taking care of yourself. You’re making sure that it runs smoothly and safely, so that you can get where you need to go.

But even if you don’t have the time or knowledge to do these tasks yourself, there are plenty of ways to ensure that your car is in tip-top shape:

Top 10 Car Maintenance Tips & Tricks – Behind a Desk
Regular car maintenance is essential for extending the life of your vehicle and preventing costly repairs down the road.
Basic tasks like checking tire pressure and oil changes can be performed by drivers themselves, but it’s important to be aware of your own limitations and not attempt more complex tasks if you’re not comfortable doing so.
Keeping your car clean, inside and out, can help maintain its value and prevent corrosion and other forms of damage.
Having a comprehensive checklist for car maintenance can make it easier to keep track of important tasks and ensure that nothing is overlooked.
There are many sources of information and resources available to help you learn more about car maintenance and perform basic tasks on your own.

Check The Tire Pressure

Tire pressure is important, because it impacts your car’s performance. If your tires are too low, you’ll get less traction and worse gas mileage. Too much air in your tires can cause them to wear out faster.

The optimal tire pressure varies based on the weight of the vehicle and whether it has a full-size spare tire or not (for cars with large spares, they might need more air). Check your owner’s manual for recommendations.

To check your tire pressure:

Place the gauge on top of one of the tires and push until it clicks into place

Read off the reading that appears on the gauge screen

Regular car maintenance can help extend the life of your vehicle. “Checking the oil and changing the air filter are simple car maintenance tasks that anyone can do,” but it’s also important to make sure your tires are properly inflated and rotated to avoid unnecessary wear and tear. For more easy tips on keeping your car running smoothly, check out our Top 10 Car Maintenance Tips now.

Check The Fluid Levels

Checking the fluid levels on your car regularly is one of the easiest ways to save money and prevent major problems.

Fluid levels can indicate possible problems with your vehicle’s engine, transmission and brake systems. If you notice that the level has dropped from its normal level, take your vehicle in for service immediately.

Clean Your Battery Terminals

Cleaning your battery terminals is an easy task that can make a big difference in how well your car runs. 

The first thing to do is remove the cables from both ends of your battery. This will give you access to the negative and positive terminals on each side of the battery. 

You can use cotton swabs, baking soda or even sandpaper (if you’re feeling adventurous) to clean off any corrosion that may be present on these terminals.

Once they are clean, reattach them and tighten them down with pliers so they don’t become loose again before driving off into the sunset!

Car BrandFrequencyCost
ToyotaEvery 3 years$50-$75
HondaEvery 3 years$50-$75
FordEvery 3 years$50-$75
ChevroletEvery 2-3 years$50-$75

Recommended Frequency and Cost for Cleaning Battery Terminals by Car Brand

Cleaning your battery terminals is an important part of car maintenance that can help prevent corrosion and ensure that your car starts reliably. The recommended frequency for cleaning your battery terminals will vary depending on the make and model of your car, but in general, it should be done every 2-3 years.

The cost of cleaning your battery terminals will also vary depending on the brand and model of your car, but can range from $50 to $75 on average. For specific recommendations for your vehicle, consult your owner’s manual or speak with a trusted mechanic.

Perform Oil And Filter Changes

How often: You should change your oil and filter every 3 months or 3,000 miles (whichever comes first).

How to do it: Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to change your oil and filter.

Check your car’s oil level regularly! This can be done by removing the dipstick and wiping it clean with a paper towel, then reinserting it into its housing. If there is any sign of leakage on the dipstick when you pull it out, this could be an indicator that something is wrong with your engine get a mechanic in there ASAP!

Staying safe on the road is a top priority for any driver. “Regularly inspecting your brake pads and replacing any that are worn” is just one of the many ways to keep your vehicle in good condition and avoid accidents. For more safety tips and car maintenance advice, check out our Top 15 Car Maintenance Tips for Keeping Your Vehicle Safe now.

Rotate Your Tires

It’s important to remember that proper tire rotation is one of the best ways to extend the life of your tires, and it’s also one of the easiest things to do.

When should you rotate your tires? Most experts recommend rotating your tires every 5-6,000 miles. This will help ensure that each tire wears evenly and maximizes its lifespan.

The way most people think about rotating their tires is wrong, though—instead of side-to-side (as if you were playing chess), rotate front-to-back instead (the same way a clock works). 

We know it sounds counterintuitive, but it makes perfect sense when you consider how most cars drive: they typically turn left while driving straight ahead or right while turning left or right! 

So if you’re driving a bit more aggressively than usual or maybe just commuting in heavy traffic on multiple occasions per week rotating your car’s wheels can make all the difference as far as fuel economy goes. 

And since this task is so simple and straightforward (and most mechanics offer free rotations during routine maintenance), there’s no reason not to give yourself this benefit!

There are many misconceptions about car maintenance that can lead to costly mistakes. “Did you know that checking your oil too often can actually be harmful to your engine?” There are many other surprising facts about car maintenance that you need to know in order to keep your car running smoothly. For more eye-opening facts and car maintenance tips, check out our 15 Surprising Car Maintenance Facts now.

Inspect The Wipers And Replace If Necessary

It’s important for your wipers to be in good condition. They need to be replaced when they are streaking or when they leave a film on your windshield.

Inspect them by wiping them with a rag, and if there is debris on the towel, then it may be time to replace your wiper blades. 

When you change the wiper blades, make sure that you buy new ones at the same time the old ones may have been damaged in a way that makes them dangerous for use! 

You can replace them with any brand of wiper blade that fits your vehicle; just make sure that you follow all instructions provided by the manufacturer (i.e., don’t use sandpaper or metal scrapers on plastic parts).

Clean The Lights

First, you should make sure that your lights are working properly. This includes checking the bulbs, wiring and lenses (which shouldn’t be cracked). 

If everything checks out, then you can rest easy knowing that your car’s lights will function when they’re needed.

If you find that any of these components are damaged or corroded, it would be wise to replace them before they fail completely.

Maintaining your vehicle’s health is essential to protecting your investment. “Regularly cleaning your car, including the undercarriage, can help prevent rust and other forms of corrosion from damaging your vehicle,” but there are other steps you can take to keep your car looking and running like new. For more expert car maintenance tips, check out our 15 Expert Car Maintenance Tips now.

Change Your Air Filter

When changing your air filter, don’t be tempted to just buy the cheapest one you can find. Many manufacturers use cheap filters in their products because they can save money on production costs and still make a profit from selling them. 

However, cheaper filters are less durable than higher quality ones and may not even fit properly into your car’s air filter housing. This means that less air will pass through to get filtered — an important component of any vehicle!

If you want to make sure that this doesn’t happen, look for a high-quality paper or cotton reusable filter with a MERV rating between 6-12—the higher the number, the better filtration you’ll get when driving at highway speeds on hot days. 

It’s also worth noting that some disposable filters come pre-oiled (which helps keep dirt out) while others do not; if yours isn’t already oiled before installation I’d recommend adding some cooking spray first before installing so it doesn’t cake up once inside your engine compartment.

Car BrandFrequencyCost
ToyotaEvery 20,000 miles$20-$30
HondaEvery 30,000 miles$15-$30
FordEvery 30,000 miles$15-$25
ChevroletEvery 45,000 miles$15-$25

Recommended Frequency and Cost for Air Filter Changes by Car Brand

Changing your air filter on a regular basis is an important part of car maintenance that can help improve gas mileage and engine performance. The recommended frequency for changing your air filter will vary depending on the make and model of your car, but in general, it should be changed every 20,000 to 45,000 miles.

The cost of a new air filter will also vary depending on the brand and model of your car, but can range from $15 to $30 on average. For specific recommendations for your vehicle, consult your owner’s manual or speak with a trusted mechanic.

Inspect Your Belts And Hoses

Whether you’re spending a lot of time in the garage or not, it’s important to inspect your belts and hoses every few months. Look for cracks or wear in the belts, as well as leaks on the hoses.

If you notice any damage, replace them immediately—you don’t want to end up stranded by a broken belt or hose!

Keeping track of car maintenance can be overwhelming, but having a comprehensive checklist can make it easier. “From checking your fluids to inspecting your brakes, our Ultimate Car Maintenance Checklist covers all the important tasks you need to keep your car running smoothly.” For a complete guide to keeping your car in top condition, check out our Ultimate Car Maintenance Checklist today.

Have A Professional Check It Out

While you can tackle many car maintenance tasks yourself, it’s best to have the professionals take a look at certain parts of your car.

For example, if you hear a rattle coming from the engine and aren’t sure why, or if your headlights or taillights are not working properly, then it’s best to leave this task to the pros.

However, there are some DIY repairs that require very little knowledge and offer great payoffs for minimal investment. For example:

  • The average brake job costs about $400—but you can do it yourself for less than $100 using these easy steps!
  • Replace an alternator in less than an hour for about $60 (and save more money by doing this procedure yourself instead of calling a tow truck).


We hope this article has helped you get started on your car maintenance. It’s really important to have some knowledge about the different parts of your vehicle so that you can keep it in good condition and avoid expensive repairs down the road.

If you still need more information, call up a professional mechanic or just ask them for advice when they come over for an oil change or other service appointment.

Further Reading

If you’re looking for more tips and advice on car maintenance, or if you’re interested in learning more about a specific aspect of car maintenance, check out these helpful articles:


What are some basic car maintenance tasks that all drivers should know how to perform?

Regular car maintenance can help extend the life of your vehicle and avoid costly repairs down the road. Some basic tasks that all drivers should know how to perform include checking tire pressure, changing the oil and oil filter, replacing air filters and windshield wipers, and inspecting brakes and other parts for signs of wear and tear.

How often should I get my car serviced?

The frequency of car servicing will depend on a variety of factors, including the make and model of your vehicle, your driving habits, and the manufacturer’s recommendations. In general, it’s a good idea to have your car serviced every 6-12 months, or more frequently if you notice any issues with your vehicle.

Why is regular car maintenance important?

Regular car maintenance is important for several reasons. It can help extend the life of your vehicle, improve gas mileage and performance, and prevent major mechanical problems. Additionally, regular maintenance can help identify potential issues early on, before they become more serious and costly to repair.

Can I perform car maintenance myself, or do I need to take my car to a mechanic?

Many basic car maintenance tasks can be performed by drivers themselves, even if they don’t have a lot of experience. However, it’s important to be aware of your own limitations and not attempt more complex tasks if you’re not comfortable doing so. In general, it’s a good idea to have your car serviced by a professional mechanic at least once per year.

What should I do if I’m not sure how to perform a certain car maintenance task?

If you’re not sure how to perform a specific car maintenance task, there are many resources available to help you. You can consult your vehicle owner’s manual for guidance, or look online for tutorials and videos. Additionally, many auto parts stores offer free workshops and classes on basic car maintenance.